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We did a 'Red Hot Weekend' two years ago when we found out the Reds were having their last game at Cinergy Field the same weekend we had Oktoberfest and a major play coming in at the Aronoff, said Reece. It was after the riots and all the negative publicity. We had a difficult time trying to fill our hotel rooms. Our commercial valuation services for property valuer investors who want to prepare real estate conveyancing reports at lowest prices. Aside from the threat to motorists, deer over-population can result in crop losses and widespread starvation of the herd. In Hamilton County, Ohio, a plan is under consideration to allow sharpshooters to kill hundreds of deer in county parks to thin herds.
Looking for a Christmas gift for that hard-to-shop-for person on your list? How about a flock of geese, or three rolls of house insulation, or immunizations for 300 students? Those and more will be available at the Sixth Annual Alternative Christmas Fair, set for Sunday morning at St. Catherine of Siena Church in Fort Thomas sydney conveyancing services.
She said the city worked to promote itself and its events, hotels and restaurants, forging new relationships among businesses and programs. The first Red Hot Weekend was a success. “We had 700,000 people and a $70 million impact. Every hotel was filled. Cincinnati was alive," Reece said. "I said this could be a new way to do business in Cincinnati.
The fair has raised as much as $10,000 for charities, she said. Last year, it raised $6,000. The youth of the church research each charity represented at the fair, and they try to "sell" prospective donors on donating to a particular one. Nine charities will be represented at the fair, each with its own wish list:
The Alliance for Catholic Urban Education, which gives Catholic education to the children of inner city schools in Covington. For $2,000, you can buy one year of tuition for one child.The Congregation of Divine Providence, which provides services to the City Heights housing project in Covington. For $750, you can sponsor missionary work for one nun for a year.
The Echo Soup Kitchen at the Henry Hosea House, which feeds hungry people in Newport. For $65, you can buy vegetables for one month.Heifer Project International, which helps low-income people across the world feed themselves. For $30, you can buy honeybees, a bee box and a hive.
Housing Opportunities of Northern Kentucky, which builds or rehabilitates houses for low-income people. For $30, you can buy a square of shingles.
The Madonna House, which gives shelter and other goods to women with an unplanned pregnancy. For $65, you can house one woman for one week.The mission projects of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, who aid the women of Belize, Nepal and India. For $60, you can give immunizations to 100 students.
Welcome House in Covington, which gives emergency help to the needy and runs a homeless shelter for women and children. For $125, you can pay the deposit on an apartment.Because of the slow economy, many charities are not getting the donations they once did. The proficient conveyancers are always help in all property transactions. Schwartz hopes that in a small way, the fair will help change that.